Archive for January, 2015


just how I felt on that date

This piece is very complicated so I’ll be brief, the center is God, the second layer is family and ancestors, the third is connection with nature, the fourth, which is what people usually see, my outer layer, is physical and spiritual strength and kindness, the fifth is my time here on earth, and the sixth is communication, it “frames” my life.

this piece means whatever it means to you which is the cool thing about abstract but to me it means that like how every hand on the piece looks different we as people are also different but all the hands are connected because they each came from the same hand, similarly we are each connected to each other because we all come from earth. We are each different but nobody is really better because we are all the same thing people.

This is an abstract representations of how I interpret my feelings. Pink is adoration-continues to grow, yellow is courage-strength constantly becoming better, black is anxiety-probably just because it gave my so much anxiety to get that one stroke right, purple is caring-soft and warm that helps relax someone, red is rage-becoming big and fiery and the more rage one person gives the more the other grows and continue to wrap around each other, and green which is tranquility-I honestly just felt out how this one was supposed to look.